Octopus on a bed of mixed vegetables – Χταποδι επι στρωματος αχταρμα λαχανικων

Today’s dish is fresh and simple, with the flavors of the spring and the sea.

After all the meat eating of the Easter celebration, I wanted to taste something simple and yet tasteful.

I found a wonderful octopus in my fisherman, and I immediately decided to use it in my dish.

I put the octopus in a pot with a couple of bay leafs on very low heat, cover it  and let it cook for a couple of hours. You do not need to put any water in,  the octopus has plenty of water, and it comes out nicely as the heat is very gentle, it almost caresses the flesh.

While the octopus is cooking gently and slowly, I prepared a melange of chopped zucchinis and eggplants, parsley and a bit of dried chili pepper.

I put all the vegetables in a big pan with browned onions and added some of the octopus liquids. After 15 minutes I added cherry tomatoes for extra flavor.

Serve the vegetables in a way that forms a hexagonal bed and on top place slices of the octopus. Finish the dish with a spoonful of the vegetables.

It is a light, wonderful dish that goes very well with a nice glass of chardonnay. Enjoy!