Giandomenico Tiepolo (1727-1804) was the son of Giambattista Tiepolo, a master of painting.
He never achieved the status and fame of his father.
San Polo Church, Venice
However, between 1747 and 1749 he painted “Via Crucis”, the stations of the Cross, in the Oratory of the Crucifixion in the Venetian Church of San Polo. In the same period he also etched the sequence of prints with the same title.
This sequence of 14 paintings is for me the most moving sequence of Christ’s path to the Cross and the Beyond.
Inside the San Polo Church (when I visited) there were on display only some of the 14 paintings, the ones I photographed and have included here.
To my delight, I discovered some of the etchings on paper at the Art Institute of Chicago, which I also display here. Although they do not form a complete series, they supplement the paintings very nicely.
I followed the numerical sequence for both the prints and the paintings.
Frontispiece to Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Frontispiece to the set of etchings
Station I: Christ is Condemed to Death, plate one from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station I: Christ is Condemed to Death
Station II: Christ Receives the Cross, plate two from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station II: Christ Receives the Cross
Station III: Christ Falls Beneath the Cross for the First Time, plate three from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station III: Christ Falls Beneath the Cross for the First Time
Station IV: Christ Meets his Mother, plate four from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station IV: Christ Meets his Mother
Station V: Christ is Helped by Simon of Cyrene, plate five from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station V: Christ is Helped by Simon of Cyrene
Station VI: Christ's Face is Wiped by St. Veronica, plate six from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station VI: Christ’s Face is Wiped by St. Veronica
Station VII: Christ Consoles the Weeping Women, plate seven from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station VII: Christ Consoles the Weeping Women
Station IX: Christ Falls Beneath the Cross for the Third Time, plate nine from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station IX: Christ Falls Beneath the Cross for the Third Time
Painting IX: Christ Falls Beneath the Cross for the Third Time, San Polo Church, Venice
Station IX: Christ Falls Beneath the Cross for the Third Time
Painting IX - Detail: the crowd
The crowd is shown full of anticipation.
Station X: Christ is Stripped of His Garments, plate ten from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station X: Christ is Stripped of His Garments
Painting X: Christ is Stripped of His Garments, San Polo Church, Venice
Station X: Christ is Stripped of His Garments
Painting X - Detail
The elder
Painting X - Detail: Mother and Daughter
Mother and daughter observing
Station XI: Christ is Nailed to the Cross, plate eleven from Stations of the Cross, c. 1748, published 1749 (Art Institute of Chicago)
Station XI: Christ is Nailed to the Cross
Painting XI: Christ is Nailed to the Cross, San Polo Church, Venice
Station XI: Christ is Nailed to the Cross
Painting XI - Detail: Christ
Christ unconscious
Painting XI - Detail: Crowd
The watching crowd
Painting XII: Crucifixion, San Polo Church, Venice
Station XII: Christ crucified
Painting XIII: Deposition, San Polo Church, Venice
Station XIII: The deposition of Christ
Painting XIII - Detail
Deposition detail
Painting XIV - Entombment, San Polo Church, Venice
Πολύ καλή παρουσίαση κάνει η ανάρτησή σας. Γενικά μ’ αρέσει η αίσθηση του μέτρου που έχετε, όπως να ξυπνάτε και κρατάτε το αναγνωστικό ενδιαφέρον χωρίς περιττές εγκυκλοπαιδικές αναφορές. (αξιοζήλευτο αυτό!)
Αγαπητη Φιλη,
Θα με κακομαθετε με τα σχολια σας! Παρακαλω να λαβετε υποψη σας οτι καθε ανθρωπος διαθετει αρκετη ματαιοδοξια για να καταστει στο τελος ενας βαρετος ναρκισσος. Βοηθειστε με να το αποφυγω!!!
ολόκληρη η ιστορία του μαρτυρίου σε 14 εικόνες…
καλή Ανάσταση παναθήναιε
Πολύ καλή παρουσίαση κάνει η ανάρτησή σας. Γενικά μ’ αρέσει η αίσθηση του μέτρου που έχετε, όπως να ξυπνάτε και κρατάτε το αναγνωστικό ενδιαφέρον χωρίς περιττές εγκυκλοπαιδικές αναφορές. (αξιοζήλευτο αυτό!)
Αγαπητη Φιλη,
Θα με κακομαθετε με τα σχολια σας! Παρακαλω να λαβετε υποψη σας οτι καθε ανθρωπος διαθετει αρκετη ματαιοδοξια για να καταστει στο τελος ενας βαρετος ναρκισσος. Βοηθειστε με να το αποφυγω!!!