Sushimou: a gastronomic jewel a stone’s throw from Syntagma Square in Athens

Sushimou is small. It only has a bench and stools around it. You need to reserve in advance in order to get in. And you better get in, otherwise you will not, dear Athenian or visitor from wherever, taste the delicious sashimi and nigiri that sushi chef Antonis Drakoularakos is preparing for you.

Sushimi Chef Antonis Drakoularakos, Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

This is exctly what I did.

I booked the “stools”, showed up on time, and then ordered “omakase”, which is the chef’s choice.

So let the journey begin.

Station 1: Sashimi

Sushimou: Sashimi – Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

Station 2:  Bonito nigiri

Sushimou: Bonito nigiri, Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

Station 3: Horse Mackerel (Safridi)

Sushimou: Horse Mackerel nigiri, Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

Station 4: Crayfish (karavida)

Sushimou: Crayfish nigiri, Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

Station 5: Red Mullet (Barbouni)

Sushimou: Red Mullet nigiri, Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

Station 6: Tuna Belly (Otoro)

For some reason this marvel was not photographed.

Station 7: Sardine

Sushimou: Sardine nigiri, Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

Station 8: Sea Urchin

Sushimou: Sea Urchin nigiri, Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

Station 9: Eel

Sushimou: Eel nagiri, Photo: Nikos Moropoulos


Sushimou: Red Mullet nigiri, detail. Photo: Nikos Moropoulos

What a wonderful place to enjoy top quality sashimi and nigiri sushi!

Thank you Chef Antonis Drakoularakos!