One of the key questions regarding the impact Artificial Intelligence (AI) might have on work is whether it will make jobs more interesting and demanding, or it will just change them radically. Given the predictions made years ago about the impact on work of technologies that are mature today, it is reasonable to say that both impacts are likely.
Some jobs will become more interesting and demanding, and some will be radically changed.
I will give two examples.

Marketing is in my view an area where jobs will become more interesting and demanding. Marketing professionals will need to be trained to handle the AI tools that will be available to them, and use their professional expertise in a way that capitalizes on the use of the tools. In 5 years’ time no marketing professional will be able to survive in the marketplace without the knowledge and the ability to use AI tools.
On the other hand, jobs that review information relevant to a topic, like legal and regulatory requirements, and prepare a relevant report, will most likely change drastically. AI tools will be doing this task.
The jury is out, and it will be for the immediate future.

What is certain is that no business can afford to ignore the question “What impact will AI have on its current operating model”. This impact analysis is the first step in realigning the business operating model with the opportunities and threats created by AI.