I wrote this article (in Greek) as I was perplexed by the use of the word “system” in the political
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What did Kierkegaard learn from his study of Socrates and how is it relevant in today’s world?
Kierkegaard, the eccentric Danish Philosopher of early 19th century, wrote his Master’s Thesis on Socrates’ “Concept of Irony.” This was not
Continue readingA new beginning for an old boy
After maintaining for eight years the blog “ΕΥΩΧΙΑ” on WordPress.com, I decided to create a new blog on WordPress.org.
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Ο κ. Καμμένος είναι ο Πρόεδρος των Ανεξαρτήτων Ελλήνων (ΑΝΕΛ) και Υπουργός Εθνικής Αμύνης στην Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση. Με την ιδιότητα
Continue readingΜια πρώτη ανάλυση των προσωρινών αποτελεσμάτων των εκλογών ΤΕΕ 2016
Το κείμενο αυτό αποτελεί μια πρώτη γοργή ανάγνωση των προσωρινών αποτελεσμάτων των εκλογών ΤΕΕ που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στις 20 Νοεμβρίου 2016.
Continue readingPresident Obama’s Greek Visit – 15 and 16 November 2016
What is President Obama doing in Greece? The question on what he will do in Germany is also pertinent. The
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Αυτο το πρόχειρο σημείωμα είναι μια πρώτη απόπειρα ανάλυσης το τι έγινε σις εκλογές των ΗΠΑ. Πολλοί μιλούν για απειλή
Continue readingSome Thoughts on the Greek Puzzle
What is going to happen in Greece? I do not believe that any of the “programs”, also known as memoranda,
Continue readingThe Armistice Agreement talks between Israel and Egypt, Jordan and Syria in Rhodes, 1949
Introduction As the British Mandate for Palestine ended, the state of Israel was proclaimed on the 14th May 1948 in
Continue readingSocrates’ “Aporia”
In a definitional dialogue, the Greek Philosopher Socrates was engaging another person in a discourse that would eventually bring the
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