On the day the new Government of Greece is sworn in office, I would like to offer some post facto
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Thoughts on the Greek General Elections – September 2015
One day before Greek citizens go to the polls for the third time in 2015, I would like to offer some
Continue readingAnglo-Saxons in Byzantium – a snippet of history (2)
Today I continue the snippets of history ‘series’,with the presence of Anglo-Saxons in Byzantium. This is related to the Varangian
Continue readingThe Swedes going South – a snippet of history
These days I am reading Henri Pirenne’s book “A History of Europe”, which I find the most readable history of
Continue readingRestaurant Boroa Jaretxea, Bizkaia, Basque Country
Today I want to share my dining experience in “Restaurante Boroa Jaretxea“. It is located in a renovated farmhouse 20
Continue readingSoap Production in Greece – Η Ελληνική Σαπωνοποιϊα
Το Σαπούνι από ελαιόλαδο χρησιμοποιείται εδώ και αιώνες στη Μεσόγειο, τόσο για την προσωπική υγιεινή όσο και ως γενικής χρήσης
Continue readingΕλληνο – ΕΥΡΩ – Τραγωδία (Greek Euro Tragedy)
Ολον αυτόν τον καιρό που ξετυλίγεται το Ελληνικό Δράμα, αλλά ιδιαίτερα απο τον Ιανουάριο 2015, ακούω και παρατηρώ με ιδιαίτερη
Continue readingThe Greek Referendum of the 5th July 2015 – An imaginary dialogue
On Sunday 5th July the Greek people will vote on a non – existing issue, whether we accept or not
Continue readingon razor’s edge…
επί ξυρού ακμής = στην κόψη του ξυραφιού… on razor’s edge… Greece is on razor’s edge. The fact that Greece
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