Ο ποιητης Νικος Καρουζος ταξιδεψε στον αλλο κοσμο την 28η Σεπτεμβριου 1990. The Greek poet Nikos Karouzos died twenty two
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Sheikh Beddredin (Badraldin Mahmoud Ben Israel Ben Abdulaziz): Preacher and Rebel
It is almost ironic that one of the bloodiest chapters of Sheikh Bedreddin’s rebellion in 1416-1420 was written on the
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By the (breaking) sea wave: A “Fluxus Eleatis” Discourse
Mr. FFF: Παρα θιν αλος. By the breaking sea wave. MM: I see Priest Chryses praying. For his daughter Chryseis
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Archilochus: Look Glaucus! Already waves are disturbing the deep sea and a cloud stands straight round about the heights of Gyrae, a
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Michel Foucault: Discourse operates in four major ways. Discourse creates a world; discourse generates knowledge and “truth”; discourse says something
Continue readingThe late Mattia Pascal – Ο μακαριτης Μαθιος Πασκαλης
Introduction For the moment (and God knows how much it pains me), I have died already twice, but the first
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Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If
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“The work presented at Venice is optimistic in its reflection on chance and destiny; the chance of birth against the
Continue readingGolo Mann: The History of Germany since 1789 – Part I
Born Angelus Gottfried Thomas Mann, he was the third son of the novelist Thomas Mann and his wife Katia Mann.
Continue readingReal Greece, Part III: Odysseus Elytis – Η πραγματικη Ελλαδα, Μερος ΙΙΙ: Οδυσσεας Ελυτης
“Εάν αποσυνδέσεις την Ελλάδα, στο τέλος θα δεις να σου απομένουν μια ελιά, ένα αμπέλι κι ένα καράβι. Που σημαίνει:
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