“Our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud, and come to nought as the mist that is
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“Our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud, and come to nought as the mist that is
Continue reading“Sickness and insanity were the black angels that guarded my cradle” Edvard Munch, personal manuscript. Background Edvard Munch is one of
Continue readingAngelopoulos’ movie is not a journey to a destination. It is a journey to infinite emptiness. Spiros is a
Continue readingAs Greece continues to suffer from the worst financial, social and political crisis since the civil war of 1945-1949, I
Continue readingMr. FFF: Παρα θιν αλος. By the breaking sea wave. MM: I see Priest Chryses praying. For his daughter Chryseis
Continue readingΣημερα ειναι Δεκαπενταυγουστος. Αντιγραφω απο το βιβλιο “Προς Εκκλησιασμο” του Νικου Γαβριηλ Πεντζικη. Today is the 15th of August and
Continue readingIn the surging swell, In the ringing sound, In the world-breath In the waves of the All To drown, To
Continue readingLudwig Wittgenstein: “In a conversation: one person throws a ball; the other does not know whether he is supposed to
Continue readingArchilochus: Look Glaucus! Already waves are disturbing the deep sea and a cloud stands straight round about the heights of Gyrae, a
Continue readingThere is a new government in Greece. There is a new Prime Minister in Greece. The new Prime Minister is
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