«Πως εξέπεσεν εκ του ουρανού ο εωσφόρος, ο πρωι ανατέλλων; Συνετρίβη εις την γην ο αποστέλλων προς πάντα τα έθνη.
Continue readingΚατηγορία: sculpture
The Barberini Faun: unashamedly sensual, sexual, provocative, tantalizing and inviting
I shall begin by trying to answer the question “Who is the Barberini Faun”? And I will do so by
Continue readingBill Woodrow’s “English Heritage – Humpty Fucking Dumpty”
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s
Continue readingAphrodite (Venus), Pan and Eros: A sculpture in the National Archaelogical Museum of Athens
A sculpture of Aphrodite, Pan and Eros, exhibited in the National Archaelogical Museum of Athens, in Greece, is the subject
Continue readingThe Crouching Venus at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London
Some time ago I wrote about “A crouching Aphrodite in London“, a sculpure I saw at the British Museum. It
Continue readingA crouching Aphrodite in London
I was in London for a few days and had the opportunity to visit the British Museum. This post is
Continue readingLynda Benglis – American Artist
Today’s post concludes a sequence of three consecutive posts dedicated to female American artists (poets are artists). Sculpture, enamel, sculpmetal
Continue readingReal Greece – Part IV: Aegean Sculpture – A Church in the village of Marpissa, Paros, Greece
I was for a few days on the island of Paros, Greece, where one night I saw under the weak
Continue reading1001 Ways to Die – (7) Cy Twombly, American, Painter and Sculptor
Cy Twombly, one of my favourite modern artists, has died on Tuesday, 5th July 2011 in Rome, Italy, losing a long battle
Continue readingIntoxicating pleasures, deformities and disproportions: The Female in decorative arts and music
Introduction “An artist is an artist only because of his exquisite sense of beauty, a sense which shows him intoxicating
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