Introduction Reading H.A.L. Fisher’s “A History of Europe” I stumbled upon the battle of Teutoburg Forrest in 9 A.D. and
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Reflecting on the results of the Italian Elections, February 2013: When things don’t work, they don’t work.
A lot has been written about the results of the Italian elections. The ink has not dried yet. I want to
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By the (breaking) sea wave: A “Fluxus Eleatis” Discourse
Mr. FFF: Παρα θιν αλος. By the breaking sea wave. MM: I see Priest Chryses praying. For his daughter Chryseis
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Summer has arrived! I can tell, not because the daily high temperature is steadily at 35 degrees Celcius, but because
Continue readingMushrooms and Truffles: A “Fluxus Eleatis” disourse
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin: The word gastronomy has been revived from the Greek; it sounds sweetly in French ears, and although
Continue readingVenice: A “Fluxus Eleatis” Discourse
Michel Foucault: Discourse operates in four major ways. Discourse creates a world; discourse generates knowledge and “truth”; discourse says something
Continue readingStations of the Cross: Giandomenico Tiepolo, San Polo Church, Venice Italy and Art Institute, Chicago USA
Giandomenico Tiepolo (1727-1804) was the son of Giambattista Tiepolo, a master of painting. He never achieved the status and fame
Continue readingThe late Mattia Pascal – Ο μακαριτης Μαθιος Πασκαλης
Introduction For the moment (and God knows how much it pains me), I have died already twice, but the first
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During my recent visit to Venice, I was lucky to discover the Italian artist – painter, Emilio Vedova, who impressed
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I borrowed half of the title of today’s post from an article by Jonathan Jones in the Guardian. As Jones
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