After the storm, comes the calm and peace and the sun! Having witnessed a brilliant 1 1/2 rainbow the evening
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Tsambouna: The bagpipe of the Greek islands – Τσαμπουνα: ο άσκαυλος των Ελληνικων νησιων
Ο ασκαυλος ειναι ενα μουσικο οργανο που ξεκινα να αναφερεται στην αρχαια Ελλαδα απο τον πεμπτο αιωνα προ Χριστου. Bagpipes
Continue readingWe, the Greeks facing our future – Ημεις οι Ελληνες ενωπιοι του μελλοντος μας
Αυτη την εποχη οι Ελληνιδες και οι Ελληνες ειναι ο θετικος ή αρνητικος πρωταγωνιστης στην αεναα εξελισσομενη καταιγιστικη κριση της
Continue readingGreek Parliamentary Elections 6th May 2012 – Ελληνικες Κοινοβουλευτικες Εκλογες 6η Μαϊου 2012
The parliamentary elections of 6th May 2012 may be the most critical in Greece since 1974. Οι εκλογες της 6ης
Continue readingWednesday, 28th April 1909: From Yildiz Palace in Istanbul to Villa Allatini in Thessaloniki
The Ottoman empire officially ended on the 1st November 1922, when the Ottoman sultanate was abolished and Turkey was declared
Continue readingPan fried galeorhinus galeus with herbal aioli and baby spinach salad – Τηγανητος γαλεος με αρωματικο αϊολί και σαλατα απο τρυφερο σπανακι
Today I Was lucky to find in my fishmonger fresh and tender galeorhinus galeus (also known as tope shark). Σημερα
Continue readingStations of the Cross: Giandomenico Tiepolo, San Polo Church, Venice Italy and Art Institute, Chicago USA
Giandomenico Tiepolo (1727-1804) was the son of Giambattista Tiepolo, a master of painting. He never achieved the status and fame
Continue readingThe late Mattia Pascal – Ο μακαριτης Μαθιος Πασκαλης
Introduction For the moment (and God knows how much it pains me), I have died already twice, but the first
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Introduction I was blessed to attend a recital by Kaoru Kakizakai in the Onassis Cultural Center of Athens, Greece. Kaoru
Continue readingObjects that tell a story (2): My maternal grandfather’s 1915 travel document to Russia
Introduction Digging into a box with documents and photos I found in pieces a travel document belonging to my maternal
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