Grilled aubergines and skinless sausage Italian style

Summer has arrived! I can tell, not because the daily high temperature is steadily at 35 degrees Celcius, but because

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Pan fried galeorhinus galeus with herbal aioli and baby spinach salad – Τηγανητος γαλεος με αρωματικο αϊολί και σαλατα απο τρυφερο σπανακι

Today I Was lucky to find in my fishmonger fresh and tender galeorhinus galeus (also known as tope shark). Σημερα

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Lunch of 26th December 2011 in Marathon, Attica, Greece

The day of the 26th December 2011 is special. My best man “koumbaros” Manolis celebrates his name day. In addition,

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Lunch in Marathon: Pork chops – Lamb offal (Gardoumbes) – Aubergines

Among other things, I have recently moved out of the metropolitan area of Athens to the hills overlooking Marathon, some

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String beans with bacalao – Αμπελοφασουλα με βακαλαο

Today’s dish belongs to the minimalist school, and as such requires tender loving care for the flavors and the textures.

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