RABITOS DE CERDO IBÉRICO ESTOFADOS Y CIGALITAS SALTEADAS: The Princess entangles the Serf in a messy enjoyment of life

Iberian Pig’s Tails with crayfish. The humble tail with its skin intact and crispy combines with the white immaculate flesh

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Restaurant Guth, Lauterach, Bregenz, Austria

“Lets go  and have a nice meal, this is no weather for being outdoors”, said Manolis, when the snow started

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Akelare Restaurante, Pedro Subijana – San Sebastian, Basque Country

Καθως μπαινει το φθινόπωρο, ανέσυρα από το αρχείο μου μια καλοκαιρινή επίσκεψη στο εστιατόριο του Pedro Subijana, Akelare. Κυριακή μεσημέρι,

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