Telemachus was the son of Ulysses. George and Kostas Tsiligiris are the grandsons of Telemachus Tsiligiris, the best butcher the
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Telemachus was the son of Ulysses. George and Kostas Tsiligiris are the grandsons of Telemachus Tsiligiris, the best butcher the
Continue readingThe day started with snow on the ground and the trees, the bushes, the table, the umbrella, and so
Continue readingAfter the storm, comes the calm and peace and the sun! Having witnessed a brilliant 1 1/2 rainbow the evening
Continue readingThe day of the 26th December 2011 is special. My best man “koumbaros” Manolis celebrates his name day. In addition,
Continue readingOne hot evening in August 2011 I found myself in the garden of the restaurant “Il Colombaio” in the outskirts
Continue readingUpdated 26 December 2023 Today’s dish is easy, cheap (cost efficient) and tasty! In addition, it has a name that
Continue readingOn the 26th December is the name day of my “brother”, Manolis. We have made it a tradition that every
Continue readingΣημερα καλοι μοι φιλοι, φιλες και συνοδοιποροι στην ατραπο της γαστρικης και πλεον απολαυσης εχω να σας φερω πηχτη με
Continue readingΜετα το σχετικα “βαρυ” χιουνκαρ μπεγεντι θελω να σας προτεινω ενα απλουστατο μα υπεροχο πιατο που απαιτει μια εξαιρετικα φρεσκια
Continue readingΠαρουσιάζω ένα γρήγορο και απλό μεζεδάκι που θα ενθουσιάσει τους λάτρεις του “ανατολίτικου”. Η εξόρμηση στο Καρφουρ της περιοχής
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