I was fortunate to visit my good cousin Kostas and his family in their summer house in Oreoi, North Evoia.
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Poeme electronique: The Phillips Pavilion in the 1958 Brussels World Fair
This post is about the joint work of three modern day geniuses: Le Corbusier, Edgard Varese, and Iannis Xenakis: Poeme
Continue readingIts almost summertime and the living gets easier – Εσκασε μυτη το καλοκαιρακι και η ζωη γινεται ευκολωτερη
Late May in Greece and the continuum of space and time is broken. You go to the beach and although the
Continue readingThe Monk of Cappadoccia – Part II
This is the second part of the story of Kostas T, a Monk in Cappadoccia. Part I ended when Elektra,
Continue readingEyes Part I: Eye Eats Fish – Φατε Ματια Ψαρια και Κοιλια περιδρομος
I need to make a small break from the drama evolving in front of my very own eyes in Cappadoccia,
Continue readingThe Monk of Cappadoccia – Part I
Cappadoccia (Kapadokya), a beautiful mysterious place. In the 4th century AD it was the center of major developments in Christian
Continue readingDiscourse on Existence Ι
Do I exist? I was recently asked to prove my existence. What follows is the first attempt. But it is
Continue readingArtichokes with carrots and potatoes – Αγγιναρες με καροτα και πατατες
Αγγιναρες! Το αγαπημενο μου ανοιξιατικο λαχανικο. Τις βρηκα στη λαικη και τρελλαθηκα (και που να ητανε και απο την Τηνο!).
Continue readingFlying Words – Επεα Πτεροεντα
1. I emerge from the depths From the cool of the ocean beds, back to the warm and painful sun.
Continue readingPrimavera – Ανοιξη
This is a post for Spring, for flowers, for love, for life. Αυτη η αναρτηση ειναι για την Ανοιξη,τα λουλουδια,
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