Καθώς γράφω αυτές τις γραμμές, το νέο εστιατόριο των συνεταίρων, St John Marylebone έχει ανοίξει τις πόρτες του στο κοινό
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Καθώς γράφω αυτές τις γραμμές, το νέο εστιατόριο των συνεταίρων, St John Marylebone έχει ανοίξει τις πόρτες του στο κοινό
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Continue readingI was introduced to the work of Renato Guttuso back in 1996, when Whitechapel Gallery in London exhibited some of
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Continue reading“Ephemeron” refers to an object of a transitory or impermanent nature. “Ephemeral”: beginning and ending in a day. “Ephemerality”: the
Continue readingSome time ago I wrote about “A crouching Aphrodite in London“, a sculpure I saw at the British Museum. It
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Continue readingThis monument is a tomb, built around 380 BC by Greek architects and sculptors, for a king of Lycia (in
Continue readingDuring my recent visit to London (October 2012) I had the opportunity to visit the restaurant in the St John
Continue readingI was in London for a few days and had the opportunity to visit the British Museum. This post is
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