Flying – Πετώντας

The traveller is waiting. He is reading his newspaper.

We do not know the day, or the time of his flight.

We do not know where is flying from and where he is flying to.

What matters is that he is flying.

He is waiting because he thinks that he is going to fly.

Because he believes that his unltimate goal will be attained.

In a sense while waiting he is floating in a world devoid of problems. As long as he is going to fly, the matters of life can be handled when the time comes.

The time comes for everything.

It is just that it does not need to be now.

Now is the time for flying.

Now is flying time.

Flying time is defined as the period of time that flying as a goal becomes a state of mind. When flying occupies the mind.

Waiting by Nikos Moropoulos 2021

Oil pastel on paper, 100 g/m2, 21 by 28 cm, 8.5 by 11 inches.

Special thanks to GMJr. who invited me to paint the flying state of mind.