“During the First World War Hoelderlin’s hymns were packed in the soldier’s knapsack together with cleaning gear”. Martin Heidegger, “The
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PAO – Red Star Belgrade 3-0 (28 April1971) – Ημερα μνημης για την μεγαλη ομαδα μας!!!
Σημερα ειναι ημερα περηφανιας για την οικογενεια του Παναθα μας!!!!!! Για να θυμουνται οι παληοι και να μαθαινουνε οι νεοι!!!!!
Continue readingSalep – Το Σαλεπι
Λατρευω το σαλεπι. Το Σαλέπι είναι ένα ρόφημα θερμαντικό, προέρχεται από «αλεύρι» που λαμβάνεται από τους ξηρούς κονδύλους της ορχιδέας
Continue readingThe Teutoburg Forest Battle
Introduction Reading H.A.L. Fisher’s “A History of Europe” I stumbled upon the battle of Teutoburg Forrest in 9 A.D. and
Continue readingWe got out of the ICU, but are still in the hospital – «Βγήκαμε από την εντατική, αλλά όχι από το νοσοκομείο»
Εδηλωσε σημερα ο Πρωθυπουργος της Ελλαδος κ. Σαμαρας. Το κακο ειναι οτι δεν ανεφερε απο ποιαν ασθενεια πασχει ο ασθενης.
Continue readingProselytizing children and adolescents to fascism – Greece’s Golden Dawn “spiritual awakening” seminars
Europe has a tradition in democracy. Democracy was born in Athens, Greece. However, today democracy is having a really tough
Continue readingReflecting on the results of the Italian Elections, February 2013: When things don’t work, they don’t work.
A lot has been written about the results of the Italian elections. The ink has not dried yet. I want to
Continue readingAdventures and perils in the life of an innocent flower, or more than one
In 1957 Mao wrote: “Letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy of
Continue readingHasan Tahsin Pasha: A hero, a traitor, or just not up to his responsibilities?
Last update on 22nd August 2024 Pasha (Paşa in Turkish) was a high rank in the Ottoman political and military
Continue readingFernand Braudel, French Historian
Pour moi, l’histoire est la somme de toutes les histoires possibles – une collection de métiers et points de vue,
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