RABITOS DE CERDO IBÉRICO ESTOFADOS Y CIGALITAS SALTEADAS: The Princess entangles the Serf in a messy enjoyment of life

Iberian Pig’s Tails with crayfish. The humble tail with its skin intact and crispy combines with the white immaculate flesh

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Its almost summertime and the living gets easier – Εσκασε μυτη το καλοκαιρακι και η ζωη γινεται ευκολωτερη

Late May in Greece and the continuum of space and time is broken. You go to the beach and although the

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Artichokes with carrots and potatoes – Αγγιναρες με καροτα και πατατες

Αγγιναρες! Το αγαπημενο μου ανοιξιατικο λαχανικο. Τις βρηκα στη λαικη και τρελλαθηκα (και που να ητανε και απο την Τηνο!).

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Octopus on a bed of mixed vegetables – Χταποδι επι στρωματος αχταρμα λαχανικων

Today’s dish is fresh and simple, with the flavors of the spring and the sea. After all the meat eating

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Lunch 26th December 2009 – Toscana meets Thessaly

On the 26th December is the name day of my “brother”, Manolis. We have made it a tradition that every

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