This is a dish that I love. It is simple, easy, and tasty. But it requires fresh high quality lamb
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This is a dish that I love. It is simple, easy, and tasty. But it requires fresh high quality lamb
Continue reading“In lieblicher Blaue” is one of Hoelderlin’s last poems. I have selected fragments of the poem and present them with
Continue readingThe lightly cured mackerel dish is easy to prepare and makes a delicious appetizer. You can read about it in
Continue readingΤο μεγαλύτερο μέρος της δεκαετίας 1960 – 1970 η οικογένεια μου κατοικούσε στο ισόγειο διώροφης κατοικίας στην οδό Αμερικής στην
Continue readingA few days ago I had the pleasure to meet with good friends in the taverna of the Apollo Blue
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Continue readingΠιο πρόσφατη επιμέλεια: 12 Αυγούστου 2024 «Μα ο ήλιος αβασίλεψε κι ο αητός απεκοιμήθη και το βοριά το δροσερό τον
Continue readingSome of the photos I took when I visited the old town of Ioannina in Greece.
Continue readingPhotos I took on the island of Symi, which is approximately 20 nautical miles to the northwest of Rhodes in
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